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Introducing ThePetMag

TheHomeMag’s New Venture is the Cat’s Meow for Pet Owners TheHomeMag, a renowned name in home improvement advertising, has something to bark about. It’s latest...

The Resort at Paws Up

The lazy days of summer? Not at The Resort at Paws Up (unless that’s how you want to spend them)! Our 37,000-acre ranch is...

Learning Language On The Go: Savvy Tips For Travelers

Are you planning to visit a non-English-speaking travel destination? If yes, you must prepare for the language differences. Communicating with locals is one of...

Things We Like….

DRIVE IN MOVIE Newport Beach architect Brion Jeannette, recognized as a pioneer in energy-efficient aesthetics, believes that “architecture should be an honest reflection of the...

Good Bones

Laguna Beach Architect Anders Lasater award-winning Beachitos is a prefab marvel of modular steel in North Laguna fashioned with new technology and new methods...

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